Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Äntligen en Rockstar titel till Wii

Rockstar Games har bekräftat Manhunt 2 till Wii. En riktigt trevlig nyhet som kommer med stor glädje så Rockstars spel brukar hålla hög kvalitet.
Pressmeddelandet såg ut såhär.
"Rockstar Games, the world-renowned publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce Manhunt 2 for the PlayStation 2 system, PSP system, and Nintendo's Wii™. Manhunt 2 is the debut title from the newly formed Rockstar London studio, which is developing the game in conjunction with series creator Rockstar North. The Wii™ version is being developed by Rockstar Toronto. Manhunt 2 will be available this summer."

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